I told you last week about my exclusive coaching program that kicks off in August, Move to Italy in 2025.
Now I want to tell you about something else I'm offering that's totally free.
Get Your Moving to Italy Questions Answered
On July 31, I'm hosting a VIP (and free) Facebook Live event about moving to Italy. I'll talk visas, where to live, and what emotions to expect.
Then I'll open it up for YOUR questions! I know you have many...you ask them here, via email, and on Insta, so I thought it'd be great to have them all in one place. Likely there are other women who have the same questions!
Join the Group
To access the Facebook Live event, you'll need to be in my Facebook group, That Sweet Italian Life. It's free to join, and is filled with other women who, like you, dream of moving to Italy.
Once you're in the group, you'll see the event, both at the top of the Group page and on the Events page. Please click that you plan to attend so I know!
The Details
Here's everything you need to know to attend this special Move to Italy in 2025 Facebook Live event!
When: July 31
noon Pacific
2 pm Central
3 pm Eastern
Where: That Sweet Italian Life Facebook group (Join BEFORE the event!)
What: We'll talk about what you need to know about moving to Italy in 2025, and you can ask your burning questions!
See you there!