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Writer's pictureSu Guillory

Are You a Spiritual Entrepreneur? Why You Shouldn’t Hide Your Spiritual Side at Work

This was originally written for AllBusiness.

The way we do business has changed over the past few years. Chalk it up to Covid, but many of us, myself included, are opening up about our interest in spirituality and finding a way to incorporate it into our businesses.

You may have heard the term “spiritual entrepreneur” and wondered what it was all about. Does the term refer to that turbaned palm reader around the corner? Yes . . . and then some. Clearly, everyone may have their own definition of what a spiritual entrepreneur is. Here, I’d like to share mine.

What is a Spiritual Entrepreneur?

Definition #1: Someone who runs a spiritually-aligned business

I see two definitions of a spiritual entrepreneur. The first is someone who runs a business in a spiritual or wellness industry. That could be the palm reader or a Reiki healer; a spiritually-aligned massage therapist or an intuitive business coach.

These entrepreneurs center their work around helping people. It’s not as much about the bottom line (though they can be financially successful, which we’ll talk about shortly) as it is about making an impact in the world.

Often this type of spiritual entrepreneur comes from a very traditional business background. I can’t tell you how many former accountants, lawyers, IT consultants, et cetera I’ve met who realized their true calling and passions lay elsewhere. They shifted from working in very analytical, rigid environments to creating something new and spiritually fulfilling. It’s beautiful. And it’s my story, too.

Definition #2: Someone who incorporates spirituality into their business

This type of spiritual entrepreneur may not be as obvious because many hide their spiritual interests, or have until recently. As I said, I think Covid has changed how we operate and we are starting to remove the masks we’ve worn in business that made us look milquetoast and like everyone else in the office.

We’re learning that it’s okay to meditate on a lunch break. Work with crystals to call in a new client. Pull tarot cards to make a business decision. These practices are becoming more commonplace, which makes it less scary to be open about them.

A spiritual entrepreneur can, on the outside, look like any other entrepreneur. She or he can be your hairdresser. Run a clothing boutique. Offer marketing services. The spiritual part comes in how they do business. They tend to lead from the heart and make decisions from a grounded place, rather than a (masculine) place of competition.

Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Money

For a long time, I equated being spiritual with being broke. I’d known too many yoga teachers who struggled to pay the bills. I only saw people who weren’t great at business and who prioritized their spiritual interests.

Then during Covid, I began to meet really successful female entrepreneurs who were also spiritual. The two were not mutually exclusive. I began to understand that one could be openly spiritual and make great money.

But for many people, there is often a block to overcome. Many operate from a scarcity mindset, which means they don’t believe they can make a lot of money . . . and so they don’t. Thoughts create reality, so for those who limit the possibility of abundance, this becomes their reality. It can take a bit of work to overcome this obstacle, but it’s completely doable. And then the sky’s the limit in terms of what a spiritual entrepreneur can earn!

The Fear of Rejection

Historically, it has not felt safe to step outside the box, has it? Just look at the witch trials in New England just a few hundred years ago. We’ve been taught that swimming against the current is never a good idea, and nowhere more than in the business world. Women took a cue from men when they entered the workforce and began dressing in aggressive, boxy clothing rather than what they’d wear at home. We have cultivated how we speak to one another, and we’ve all but removed our personalities from the office.

But is that a good thing?

In the last few years, I’ve noticed more people letting down their hair and being more real at work. And there have been no burnings or hangings as a result! The lesson here is that being who we are not only feels great to ourselves, but it also enhances our relationships with others.

Are YOU a Spiritual Entrepreneur?

If any of this resonated, you likely are a spiritual entrepreneur. The question is: how open are you about it? Take it from me—hiding away a part of yourself is exhausting. You feel like you’re two different people: the one who takes care of business efficiently and successfully, and the one who after work is howling at the full moon.

You no longer have to keep those two parts of you separate. Incorporating your spiritual side is actually good for business. It makes you relatable and can spur some pretty interesting conversations with clients, colleagues, and employees.

I find that more than having negative responses to my being authentic, I get curiosity and questions. I love having conversations with people about goddesses, masculine and feminine energy, and the law of attraction. And if I’m able to inspire a single person to bravely step out and be a bit more authentic in business, so much the better.

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