Summer is officially here, though in my mind, it started in May when I had my first swim. Still, the end of July and August is when the flood of Italians descend like locusts on the Calabrian coasts.
For me, Calabrian summertime means festivals, concerts, and drinks with friends. It's so fun...but also so exhausting!

It's Culture Time!
While the theater scene in Soverato is pretty quiet in the winter, it's really alive right now.
A few weeks ago, dance and theater schools wrapped up their seasons, which meant it was time for their big productions. Oddly, two different groups performed Alice in Wonderland. Since I'm a fan, I saw both!

There are also plenty of musical concerts. Lidi are hosting small musical events, and then there's the Armonie d'Arte event that peppers musical performances across the area.
Max and I went to see Hiromi's Sonic Wonder, a funky fusion band he's been following. He was shocked that such a hip band came to Calabria, but the house was packed.

Davoli's in Full Swing
You know that I fell in love with a) Francesco from Davoli and b) Davoli itself when I first went to the annual Naca event. Davoli really shines in the summer.
First, there's the Festa di San Vittore, which honors the town's patron saint, Saint Vittore. He was a Roman soldier who was martyred for being Christian in an era where Christianity wasn't accepted.
He's been the patron saint of Davoli since the 1600s. But he proved his mettle when he protected the town during WWII from a bomb the Americans dropped (sorry about that!). Miraculously, no one was hurt. So now they celebrate with a festival full of food, music, theater, and fun. Oh, and a fabulous Queen cover band!

This weekend is another event in Davoli: Sonore Alchimie. It's an art fest where, ahem, I will be showing my first art piece! There are other artists, of course, as well as entertainment.
After that is Catoi Sotto le Stelle, where people open their catoi (wine cellars) to invite people to try their homemade wine.
And THEN there's the Festa in Onore di Ss. Maria della Misericordia, a festival celebrating Mary of Mercy. More food, wine, and fun.
Calabrian Summertime with Max
The best part has been having Max here to experience all the fun. He's surprisingly taken with small-town life and is really bonding with Fra and his family (yay!). His Italian is fantastic, just two months in. I'll be so sad when he leaves in a few weeks.
