Look, none of us get a manual for how to handle life after divorce, right?
We’re all winging it.
Still, if you could avoid mistakes like these, your path to living authentically might get a little shorter…

Mistake #1: Expecting Life to Be the Same (Minus the Husband)
After a divorce, you have to UNbecome who you were when you were married. You no longer have to take your partner’s needs and desires into consideration. It’s all about YOU.
But if you try to operate from the same mindset, you risk falling into victim mentality.
Mistake #2: Listening to Other People’s Opinions
Ouf, people seem to have opinions about what you should do! Listen to them and you’re destined for (more) unhappiness.
Now is the time to consider what YOU want and need. There is nothing selfish about that!
If you find yourself listening to the negative chatter that others are sending your way, realize it's NOT about you. It's about them and their own unhappiness.
Mistake #3: Being Afraid of What’s Next After Divorce
Yes, your life has been completely turned upside down by this divorce. You’re shell-shocked about big changes, and you’re hiding in your shell to stay safe.
I hate to break it to you…there IS no SAFE in this world.
Instead, be brave and try new things. After all, you already know how incredibly strong you are. All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and try something you’ve always wanted to do.
An art class.
Traveling solo.
Starting a business.
Whatever living authentically means to you, it’s going to take you getting out of your comfort zone a bit to discover.
Not to worry, babe. I’m here for you.
Ready to kickstart that authentic life? I want to invite you to join my free Facebook Live Event, Kickstart Your Authentic Life Facebook Challenge, August 22-24. Each day we'll tackle what's holding you back and move you toward understanding what brings you joy so you can start living it.